Being a mom and being you (1)

On Being a Mom and Being a Role Model

Do you ever sit around and think about how much your life has changed since you became a mom?

I do. I look at my girls and I think about how they’ll see life someday– how they may not remember everything I say, but they will remember the lessons that I teach them with my own life.

What I Want My Kids to Learn From Me

I want them to know that they can do anything, not just because I tell them so but because I show them so.  I want to be an example of continual personal growth, loving others, and having a servant’s heart. An example of someone who went for her dreams, instead of simply talking about those dreams.

I want them to see me treat my body well, but also to know that beauty is much deeper– that my self-worth was never engulfed in how I looked.  I want them to see a mom is confident and knows that she is worthy of love because I want them to grow up to be confident and know that they are worthy of love.

I want them to see a mom who was able to see the good in others, even when they don’t see it themselves, so that they may also be that person for others.

I read once that the biggest influence in one’s life is usually the same-sex parent.  What a major responsibility and privilege.

Having these three precious girls watching and emulating me, makes me want to be better for them.  The best version of myself possible. Because they deserve that from me.


What ways are you being a positive role model for your kids?
Are there areas where you aren’t walking your talk?
What can you commit to improving?

Feel free to share in the comments below!

Then check out this silly video of me working out with my kids. 🙂

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If you’re seeking more wellness and balance in your life, check out my FREE 5-day life coaching course “Finding Wellness and Balance as a Mom!” You can sign up here.

If you’re looking for some personalized help, I am now offering a 12-week life coaching program. Email me at [email protected] to get more details and get started!

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