Do you practice gratitude while you work towards the life you want?
I used to be a fitness coach. Often, at the beginning of someone’s fitness journey, they would share their thoughts about their bodies. Many times I heard things like “I’m so fat!” or “I hate my body.”
I also heard people say that they “shamed” themselves out of bed for a workout. Something along the lines of, “You’re so fat and you’re always going to be fat unless you get up and work out.” It’s hard for me to even type that out.
Don’t hate the here and now.
I encourage people to try to love themselves— no matter where they are. Our bodies are amazing. They do so much for us and they should be appreciated for that. Getting into shape shouldn’t be about hating and changing yourself. It’s about loving and improving who we already are.
Regardless of what your goals are, try to find a way to appreciate the place that you are at now. Chances are that there is someone somewhere who would love to look like you. Or to live where you live. To have the job that you have.
Even if you want something else, appreciate the gifts that you have now while you work towards your goals. Never compare yourself to others. Do the best that you can do and be grateful for who where you are— that gratitude will transform your journey.
My Current Life Isn’t My Dream Life
For example, the house that we live in right now is not my ideal home. I would love a backyard for my children to play in. I don’t want to be attached on one side and have to constantly worry about my neighbors hearing my kids at night. I would love more than one bathroom, a backyard, and a playroom for my kids.
So, to make this dream come true, my husband and I are working towards paying off our debt and saving money for a new house in the next few years.
Mindset is Everything
Meanwhile, however, I will not be miserable. I appreciate all the wonderful things that this house gives to me and my family. The girls have their own rooms, I have a big kitchen to cook in, our neighbors are exceedingly kind…and so much more.
It helps to make a list of the positive attributes of whatever it is that you are currently despising. Is it your job? Are you working towards a new career? Do you find yourself hating every single moment that you spend in the workplace as a result of your new goal? If so, try to make a list of all the positive aspects of your current position.
Do you have flexible hours? Do you enjoy the people you work with? There is some good and if you look for it, you will find it. Focus on that, but don’t lose sight of your goal if it’s what you really want.
Remember, it’s OK to be happy where you are while working towards going where you want to go.
Check out this related post: Are Your Big Dreams Ruining Your Life?
What is I get complacent?
You might ask, “Won’t focusing on the good now make me unmotivated to change?”
My answer is simple: NO!
Keep your eyes on your goal. Come up with a plan and work on it every single day.
But why not be happy along the way? It is possible to do both! Being grateful for your current life will not make you less of a “go-getter” unless you allow it to.
Appreciating all the positive qualities of my current home does not mean that I am working any less hard on getting to my forever home. I’m still working for it, but enjoying life now.
Happiness is not something to be put off until later. There is already so much to be thankful for. Focus on what you are thankful for and you will get more to be thankful for.
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