I'm a bit of a personal development junkie. I love books that educate me and push me to be better. In the past 5 years, I've read dozens of "self-help" style books. But there are a few that I find myself recommending to people over and over again because they are seriously changed my life! So, I decided to compile them into one list for all of you (and share with you a bit of why I think each one is worth your time).
5 Bad Habits to Ditch Starting Today
One of my best pieces of advice I have for anyone wanting to create balance and wellness in their life is to change your habits. Habits are powerful. If you can discipline yourself to get the right habits in place, everything becomes easier. But we have to be aware of our bad habits too. Bad habits can unknowingly hurt us--- by making us miserable or by pulling us further from our goals. When we ditch the bad habits, we give ourselves room to start new, healthy ones. Here are some common bad habits you should ditch starting TODAY!
10 MORE Habits That Keep Me Well and Balanced as a Mom
Being a mom can just be HARD, but getting some good habits in place can make your life much easier. I have 3 kids and a career, but I manage to keep myself relatively balanced by maintaining good habits. For me, that means being present with my family and achieving my career goals.
Are Your Big Dreams Ruining Your Life?
If only I could lose weight… If only we lived somewhere else... If only my kids would listen more… If only we could make a little more money… If only I could get this business off the ground... If only, if only, if only. Are you guilty saying things like this too?
Tips to Help You Break Your Smartphone Addiction
Do you find yourself on your phone way too often? The truth is, most of us are battling full-blown phone addictions. Here's how to beat it and be more intentional about how you use your phone.
To the Mom Who Feels Like a “Hot Mess”
What comes to mind when you think of a "hot mess" mom? I picture a woman with a baby on her hip, cheerios stuck to her shirt, shouting at her kids while they grab items off the grocery store shelf. Sometimes, I am that mom. My guess is, so are you. Some days you might see me and think, "She looks like she has it all together."Other days you might see me and think, "Oh goodness, someone get that woman some coffee and a hairbrush."Some days I feel "well and balanced." Some days I feel like a hot mess. The fact is, I'm both.
Should We Stop Doing Anything That Doesn’t Make Us Happy?
“Stop doing anything that doesn’t make you happy. Life’s too short to be unhappy.”I’ve seen this sentiment (or a version of it) popping up on social media for years. There’s a good chance that I have shared it myself. I’ve certainly spoken words with the same general meaning. Recently, I started thinking more about this advice. Should we really stop doing anything that doesn’t make us happy? My short answer: No.
You Won’t Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea (and Why You Shouldn’t Worry About It)
You won't be everyone's cup of tea. Do you like tea? Personally, I prefer coffee. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with tea— I just don't like it. Like tea, you’re not for everyone. That’s meant to be good news. You're not meant to please everyone. Maybe you’ve been making every effort to make everyone like you, and yet, there are still people who don’t.
How to Quit Comparing Yourself to Others
The comparison game and mom guilt go hand-in-hand. But it isn’t just our parenting skills that most of us are comparing to others around us. It’s everything. Our bodies, our hair, our makeup skills, our bank accounts, our houses, our kids’ behavior, and skills. It’s a never-ending list, right?
Done. (Why We All Need To Give Up Chasing the “Perfect Shape”)
Here I am, trying on my bathing suit to go to Florida soon. I'm months away from turning 30 and still struggling with the same. darn. thing. Wishing I didn't have these "love handles," or that my belly was flatter, or my thighs were thinner, or my arms didn't jiggle so much. But now, I'm a mom of 3 girls. Three precious faces looking to me, observing and learning through my example how to feel about themselves. And no matter how many times I assure them that they are beautiful and perfect just as they are, that message will be lost if they see me believing any differently about myself.