• hopes for my girls
    From My Life

    Hopes for My Girls

    I hoped I would have a little girl someday. And now I have THREE. As they grow, so do my hopes. I hope I instill confidence in them to know that they are strong, capable, and important. I hope they know that they are dearly loved not only by me, their father, and our friends and family but also by an Almighty God who will never leave nor forsake them. I hope that I can model that love for them with my life. I hope that they allow their faith to be an anchor for their souls.

  • goodbye early motherhood
    From My Life

    Goodbye, Early Motherhood

    This next season calls for release and growth. I feel prepared and unprepared all at once. That's parenthood and that's life, right? It's beautiful and terrifying and utterly confusing. I'm choosing to greet this season with gratitude for all that I have, for all that's to come, and for all that I have enjoyed so much that it's so very difficult to let go. As Winnie the Pooh says, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

  • From My Life

    Reminders and Rainbows

    Normally, I love seeing my Facebook memories pop up and remind me of what I posted “on this day.”​Today, however, Facebook reminded me of a pregnancy announcement I made on this day two years ago. Which means in a few days, I will be reminded of the day I called the doctor and asked Facebook for prayers, because I knew something was wrong. And a few days after that, I’ll be reminded of how I shared with you all what was going on. How I’d had a scare, but I was waiting in agony on test results. How I was terrified but hopeful. And in a few more days, I…

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