Last night, I visited an old friend who is very sick. I had lost touch with her for the past 3 years or so. I had no idea that she was sick or how bad it was. I am extremely grateful that I was able to see her again. And it got me thinking...How many of us are so busy "making a living" that we forget to enjoy our lives? That we rush out the door without giving hugs and saying "I love you?" Are we so busy that we can't take the time to sit, uninterrupted with our spouses and simply talk for an hour?
Being a Mom and Being You
Many mothers tell me that they feel selfish when they do things for themselves. I completely understand that feeling. It's easy to think that our children should have 100% of our attention. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise on that issue. But I do want you to realize the importance of your own physical and mental health.
Reminders and Rainbows
Normally, I love seeing my Facebook memories pop up and remind me of what I posted “on this day.”Today, however, Facebook reminded me of a pregnancy announcement I made on this day two years ago. Which means in a few days, I will be reminded of the day I called the doctor and asked Facebook for prayers, because I knew something was wrong. And a few days after that, I’ll be reminded of how I shared with you all what was going on. How I’d had a scare, but I was waiting in agony on test results. How I was terrified but hopeful. And in a few more days, I…
Handling Discouragement When You Have Big Dreams
We all feel discouraged at times. Especially if you have some big dreams and expectations, you're bound to have setbacks. You feel like you're working hard, going in the right direction...and then SMACK. A roadblock. They can come in many forms. But you know when you've hit one. Or maybe you feel like you're working hard and you're not really getting anywhere. You're just spinning your wheels over and over and never gaining traction.
How and Why I Became a Morning Person
I was once a late riser. Like, very late. I would wake up as late as I could possibly get away with. When I had a baby, this meant sleeping in until the baby woke up. Before that, it meant sleeping until I had to get ready for work. If I didn't work in the morning, I slept until I naturally woke up. I thought that I could never be a morning person. I felt like a zombie most mornings. I yawned, stretched, and walked slowly for a good 15 minutes after finally getting out of bed. Today, I wake up at 5 am most mornings.
Love Where You Are While You Get Where You’re Going
Find out why you should practice gratitude for your current life even if you have big dreams and goals. Hating where you are now is a recipe for a lifetime of discontentment. Learn why you should love where you are now while you get where you're going.